Clinicopathological study of pediatric neck masses
Pediatric neck masses, Etiology, Diagnosis, FNACAbstract
Background: Pediatric neck masses are a reason for anxiety for both patients and doctor as there can be chances of malignancy. There are few established guidelines for evaluation. The etiology is varied so a thorough knowledge of clinical presentation is essential.
Methods: A clinicopathological analysis of 150 cases of neck masses in children upto 12 years of age attending the outpatient clinic between Jan 2015 to June 2016 were included.
Results: Maximum cases of reactive lymphadenopathy were found in our study 81 (20.7%), 23 (14.7%) thyroglossal cyst, 22 (14.7%) suppurative lymphadenopathy, mycobacterial lymphadenitis 20 (13.3%), dermoid cyst 17 (11.3%), branchial cyst 15 (10%), tubercular abscess 10 (6.7%), 3 cases (2%) each of Hodgkins lymphoma, lipoma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma were seen. FNAC was conclusive in 140 cases (93.4%).
Conclusions: Percentage wise inflammatory etiology was the commonest (55.4%) followed by congenital (38.6%) and last was neoplastic (6 %). An orderly and sequential approach is needed to manage pediatric masses.
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