Our experience with spreader graft in septorhinoplasty by open approach
Spreader graft, Septorhinoplasty, NOSE scale, Internal nasal angleAbstract
Background: Spreader graft being one of the best method for volumetric expansion of internal nasal angle to address the nasal valve pathologies, popularised by Sheen.
Methods: To evaluate its functional effect on relieving nasal obstruction secondary to nasal valve pathologies, our study was conducted in 40 patients (35 male and 5 female; mean age 28 years) having both external nasal deformity and nasal obstruction. NOSE scale was used to assess functional improvement.
Results: Out of total 40 patients (22 patients with saddle nose deformity, 10 crooked nose and 8 nasal dorsum deformity), 35 patients (87.5%) were fully satisfied with functional outcome as assessed by NOSE score.
Conclusions: Spreader graft is good way to handle nasal obstruction secondary to narrow internal nasal angle.
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