A clinical study of epistaxis
Epistaxis, Etiology, Hypertension, Acute rhinosinusitisAbstract
Background: Epistaxis is one the common emergencies in Oto-rhino-laryngology. It may occur in any age and in either gender. Cause of epistaxis range from simple self-limiting condition to more sinister malignancy which needs a radical approach. Hence, one should evaluate these patients appropriately and identify the cause to treat them accordingly. The present work was undertaken with the aim of studying the demographic profile of patients with epistaxis, its causes and management.
Methods: The present study consisted of 60 patients who came with complaint of epistaxis. The patient’s detailed history was obtained. Detailed systemic examination and ENT examination was performed on patients in the study. Patients were investigated and treated as per the standard hospital protocol.
Results: Out of the total 60 cases of epistaxis, 65% were males and 35% were females. Most of our cases were aged more than 50 years (31.7%) with mean age of 38.56 years. Most common etiology of epistaxis in present study was hypertension (20%), followed by acute rhino-sinusitis (15%). Commonest cause in children was deviated nasal septum and acute rhinosinusitis while in young adults, trauma was the common cause. Most common cause in elderly was hypertension. Medical management was done in most of the cases (65%) while anterior and posterior packing was done in 20% and 10% cases respectively. Three cases underwent electro-cauterization of bleeding point.
Conclusions: Epistaxis can be seen in anyage. However the etiology of this condition varies with age. Understanding of the etiology helps in better evaluation and treatment of the case.
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