Role of PETCT in the management of untreated advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx


  • Angshuman Dutta Department of ENT & Head and Neck Surgery, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • B. G. Chaithra Department of ENT & Head and Neck Surgery, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Harkirat Singh Department of Radionuclear Medicine, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, Karnataka



Positron emission tomography, Cancer, Staging


Background: Advanced stage cancers of the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx have the worst prognosis owing to higher incidence of regional and distant metastases. PET/CT scan can detect distant metastases and can therefore be done at the initial presentation in advanced stage head and neck cancers to facilitate the chalking out of an appropriate treatment plan.

Methods: The study included 41 patients having stage III & IV of oral cavity, oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal squamous cancer. The patients underwent clinical examination, an initial imaging with CT/MRI of the disease site and conventional metastatic workup. An initial TNM staging and treatment plan was formulated. The patients then underwent PET/CT. Tumor restaging was done and the treatment plan was altered if required after the PETCT.  

Results: There was change in management of 4(9%) owing to upstaging of disease following PETCT.

Conclusions: PETCT scan had a significant impact on the staging of disease affecting change in the treatment protocols. 


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Author Biography

Angshuman Dutta, Department of ENT & Head and Neck Surgery, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore, Karnataka

 Professor ENT& Head and Neck Oncosurgeon

Senior Advisor ENT


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How to Cite

Dutta, A., Chaithra, B. G., & Singh, H. (2018). Role of PETCT in the management of untreated advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 4(2), 526–531.



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