Prevalence and determinants of chronic suppurative otitis media in school going children in Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh)


  • Aditya Singhal Department of ENT, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Maharajgunj, Nepal
  • Pooja Agrawal Department of Pharmacology, Govt Medical College, Haldwani, Uttrakhand, India
  • Vijender Kumar Agrawal Department of Community Medicine, Rajshree Medical Research Institute, Rampur Road, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India



Children CSOM, Tubotympanic, Atticoantral


Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is one of the most common ear diseases in the South East Asia having a prevalence of approximately 5.2% in the general population. The objective of the study was to find the prevalence of CSOM in school going children in urban field practice area of tertiary care hospital in Bareilly (UP).

Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 495 schools going children in Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh.  

Results: The prevalence of CSOM was found to be 6.46%, with tubotympanic type constituting majority 81.25% trailed by atticoantral type 18.75%. Most patients presented with moderate hearing impairment (43.75%) and mild hearing impairment (31.25%). With respect to socioeconomic groups, upper lower, groups had 40.63%, and lower group had 34.37% prevalence.

Conclusions: Improvement of health care facilities and awareness among health-care providers would definitely be helpful in reducing the prevalence of ear diseases in the developing countries like India.

Author Biography

Aditya Singhal, Department of ENT, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Maharajgunj, Nepal

Colonel (Dr) V K Agrawal , Professor & Head , Dept of Community Medicine
Rajshree Medical Research Institute , Rampur Road , Bareilly (UP)


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