Comparative evaluation of surgical and audiological outcomes in patients of chronic suppurative otitis media with dry ear treated by myringoplasty with or without simple mastoidectomy
Surgical and audiological outcomes, CSOM treated by myringoplasty with or without simple mastoidectomyAbstract
Background: The study was conducted to compare and evaluate surgical and audiological outcomes in patients of chronic suppurative otitis media with dry ear treated by myringoplasty with or without simple mastoidectomy. Prospective, open label, randomized, comparative study, conducted in the Department of ENT, Ram Lal Eye and ENT hospital, Government Medical College Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Methods: This study comprised of 40 patients aged between 15 to 50 years having CSOM (safe type) with dry ears for the last 3 months. Patients were randomly divided into Group A treated with myringoplasty alone and Group B with standard simple mastoidectomy along with myringoplasty using temporalis fascia graft by underlay technique. Patients also subjected to routine hematological, biochemical, radiological and audiological investigation. The audiological comparison done before and after surgery.
Results: It was observed that graft uptake rate was better in group B. The average gain in air conduction threshold was more in patients who had undergone myringoplasty along with simple mastoidectomy. However this was not statistically significant. There was no significant improvement observed in the AB Gap in our patients who underwent myringoplasty or simple mastoidectomy along with myringoplasty.
Conclusions: Hypocellularity of the mastoid process has a strong correlation with the tubotympanic type of CSOM. Addition of mastoidectomy to simple myringoplasty has a very little beneficial effect on the postoperative hearing gain and graft uptake as it showed no much statistical significance.
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