A clinical study on laryngeal manifestations of tuberculosis
Vocal cord paralysis, Laryngeal tuberculosis, Mediastinal nodeAbstract
Background: In the recent years there is resurgence of tuberculosis and the presentation of the same has changed. Vocal cord paralysis can be due to involvement of vagus anywhere along its course. The lesions in the larynx can be the earliest presentation of tuberculosis.
Methods: A study has been done on all patients with tuberculosis with laryngeal lesions due to tuberculosis for a period of 6 months. These lesions were followed up and the resolution of these lesions and symptoms were documented.
Results: Vocal cord paralysis was the most common manifestation (66.6%). Tuberculosis of the larynx can be secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis or a primary manifestation. Vocal cord paralysis on the left side was due to mediastinal lesions and on the right side was due to apical fibrosis.
Conclusions: Vocal cord lesions due to active tuberculosis either nodal or parenchymal involvement usually recover completely with treatment. On the other hand, the lesions due to inactive lesions are likely to be permanent.
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