Endoscopic evaluation of bleeding points in epistaxis: a cross sectional study
Epistaxis, Nasal endoscopy, Bleeding point, CauterisationAbstract
Background: Epistaxis is one of the most common emergencies that come to casualty department and of which some are difficult to treat. Rigid nasal endoscopy plays a paramount role in managing epistaxis. The present study was done to map bleeding points with regard to its location, to identify the common areas and to discover the hidden areas.
Methods: 56 patients with epistaxis were examined using nasal endoscope under local anaesthesia. Only those patients in whom, the cause for epistaxis could not be made out on anterior and posterior rhinoscopy were included in the study.
Results: 18 (32%) patients had bleeding point in right side and 24 (42.8%) patients it was in left side. 51.7% patients had bleeding point located on medial wall of nasal cavity and 19.6% patients had bleeding points on lateral wall of nasal cavity.
Conclusions: Nasal endoscopy plays a vital role in management of epistaxis. Most common bleeding point locations are on septum, near middle turbinate area.
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