An unusual case report of thyroid hemiagenesis with multinodular colloid goitre


  • Shaalini S. Department of Otolarngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Ravikeerti G. Department of Otolarngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India



Thyroid hemiagenesis, Thyroid gland, Thyroid nodule, Congenital anamoly


Thyroid hemiagenesis is one of the rarest congenital anomaly of thyroid gland and found a total of 256 cases reported with female predominance. The left lobe is more commonly seen with thyroid hemi agenesis than the right lobe, with a ratio of 3.6: 1. We hereby reported a case of 50 years old female with the agenesis of the right lobe and isthmus of thyroid gland. Thyroid hemiagenesis can be associated with hyper or hypothyroidism. In our case patient had normal thyroid function tests. On ultrasonography of neck, a large heterogeneous lesion measuring 8.0×4.0×8.0 cm noted in the anterior aspect of neck, predominantly on the right side and seen crossing midline to the left. In our case we detected thyroid hemiagensis incidentally with the help of ultrasonography and confirmed it intra-operatively. Ultrasonography is the most cost-effective means of diagnosing thyroid hemiagenesis.


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How to Cite

S., S., & G., R. (2023). An unusual case report of thyroid hemiagenesis with multinodular colloid goitre. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 9(12), 964–966.



Case Reports