Acoustic analysis and video-stroboscopic evaluation of voice disorders


  • Arunabha Chakravarti Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Connaught place, New Delhi, India
  • Moazzam Mojahid Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Connaught place, New Delhi, India



Videostrobodcopy, Acoustic analysis, Voice, Dysphonia


Background: The presence of pathologies of vocal folds cause significant changes in their normal vibratory patterns, which impact the resulting voice. Accurate and early diagnosis is needed for proper and timely management of the underlying vocal cord pathology. Diagnostic assessment in dysphonic patients should comprise both clinical aspects and voice-related problems experienced by the patients in their daily life. A combination of video-stroboscopy, acoustic analysis and Voice handicap index (VHI) helps in detailed evaluation of vocal cord abnormalities.

Methods: This was a prospective, observational study. A total of 134 patients with voice disorders were included in the study. The VHI-10 questionnaire was filled by the patients. Acoustic analysis of their voice samples and Video-stroboscopic evaluation of their larynx was done.

Results: A VHI-10 score of >11 was noted in 102 patients. Fundamental frequency, jitter and shimmer were significantly related to the type of lesion. All the video-stroboscopic parameters were significantly related with the vocal cord lesions.

Conclusions: Acoustic analysis along with video-stroboscopy serve as a better diagnostic tool for quantification and categorisation of vocal cord pathologies. VHI-10 helps in assessing the limitations/the impact on quality of life (QOL) (caused by the various vocal cord pathology).


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