Unusual sinonasal mass clinically mimicking malignancy


  • Shalvi N. Hajare Department of ENT, Sanjeevan Medical foundation ENT PG Training Institute, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Gautam S. Purohit Department of ENT, Sanjeevan Medical foundation ENT PG Training Institute, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Vishal K. Magdum Department of ENT, Sanjeevan Medical foundation ENT PG Training Institute, Miraj, Maharashtra, India
  • Sachin S. Nilakhe Department of ENT, B.V. (D.T.U), Medical College and Hospital, Sangli, Maharashtra, India




Central giant cell granuloma, Multinucleated giant cells, Surgical excision, Sinonasal mass


Central giant cell lesion is a non-neoplastic proliferation, usually asymptomatic, of unknown aetiology. This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment for a maxillary central giant cell lesion. We report a case of a 30-year-old lady with a central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) who presented with a history of right-side nasal blockage, swelling and pain in the right side of the cheek, proptosis of the right eye, occasional blurred vision for one month. Images and histopathology examinations confirmed the diagnosis. The patient underwent tumour resection through the endoscopic endonasal approach successfully without any postoperative complication, there was no recurrence within a year of follow up and its histopathological analysis was consistent with a CGCG. Histopathological examination of the mass confirmed as CGCG. Complete excision of right sinonasal mass achieved by right endoscopic sinus surgery through modified Denker’s approach. As CGCG is a non-neoplastic lesion of unknown aetiology, histopathology is necessary for definitive diagnosis. Treatment can vary depending on the extension of the tumour.


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How to Cite

Hajare, S. N., Purohit, G. S., Magdum, V. K., & Nilakhe, S. S. (2023). Unusual sinonasal mass clinically mimicking malignancy. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 9(6), 492–496. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20231471



Case Reports