A comparative study of isolation of microbial flora in ears
Chronic otitis media, Microbial flora, Culture and sensitivityAbstract
Background: Chronic otitis media (COM) is the middle ear's inflammation, characterized by ear discharge due to tympanic membrane perforation for at least over a month. The current study aims to study the microbial flora and its culture and sensitivity from ear discharge in chronic otitis media.
Methods: A comparative study was carried out in Bapuji Hospital and Chigateri district hospital, teaching hospitals attached to J.J.M. Medical College Davanagere over a year from 01 January 2022 to 01 January 2023 in all patients with a history and signs suggestive of chronic otitis media among 100 patients.
Results: In the current study, most patients were females (53%), with pus in the right ear (51%) and pus in the left. The most common microbial growth was of Pseudomonas species, and the difference was statistically significant.
Conclusions: Due to the variations in the collection and culture methods, it is difficult to understand the frequency of a polymicrobial illness thoroughly. Antibiotics have provided medics with a tool employed without a precise causal diagnosis.
Chronic Otitis Media - Causes - Complications - Management. TeachMeSurgery. Available at: https://teachmesurgery.com/ent/ear/chronic-mucosal-otitis-media/. Accessed on 12 December 2022.
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