Management of tympanic retraction pockets: case of Mali


  • N'faly Konaté Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Kassim Diarra Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Yaya Dembelé Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Army Polyclinic Kati Mali, Kati, Mali
  • Adama Dao Department of Imaging, University Hospital Center “Gabriel Touré”, Bamako, Mali
  • Mohamed Saydi Ag Med Elmehdi Elansari Department of Imaging, University Hospital Center “Gabriel Touré”, Bamako, Mali
  • Youssouf Traoré Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Harouna Sanogo Kalaban Koro Reference Health Center Bamako, Mali
  • Drissa Kaloga Bagayoko Luxembourg Mother-Child Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Youssouf Sidibé Luxembourg Mother-Child Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Siaka Soumaoro Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Boubacary Guido Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Fatogoma Issa Koné Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Naouma Cissé Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Kalifa Coulibaly Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Moussa Bourama Keita Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Kadiatou Doumbia Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali
  • Mohamed Amadou Keïta Gabriel Toure University Hospital, Bamako, Mali



Retraction pocket, Cholesteatoma, Reinforcement tympanoplasty


Background: This study aims to study the epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of tympanic retraction pockets in the ENT-CCF department of the CHU GT.

Method: This was a descriptive prospective study.

Results: A total of 9400 patients consulted during the study period. A retraction pocket was diagnosed in 70 patients, i.e., 0.74% of all consultations. The most represented age group was that of [25-39 years]. The average age was 45.71 years. The extremes of ages were 10 years and 81 years. The female gender was the most represented, i.e., 60% with a sex ratio꞊0.67. CT of the petrous bone was performed in two patients. Medical treatment based on systemic corticosteroids and nasal decongestant was initiated in all our patients associated with quarterly monitoring for stage I charachon. The placement of a tympanostomy tube was performed in 8 patients classified (stage II of charachon). Cartilaginous tympanoplasty was performed in one patient, antroatticotomy associated with reinforcement tympanoplasty was performed in one patient (1.43%).

Conclusions: The pockets of tympanic retraction constitute a particular nosological entity which deserves rigorous monitoring. The ENT surgeon will be faced with two major challenges: the erosion of the ossicular chain and their potential risk of progression towards cholesteatoma. The diversity of therapeutic options represents an issue that makes this entity a hot topic.


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How to Cite

Konaté, N., Diarra, K., Dembelé, Y., Dao, A., Elmehdi Elansari, M. S. A. M., Traoré, Y., Sanogo, H., Bagayoko, D. K., Sidibé, Y., Soumaoro, S., Guido, B., Issa Koné, F., Cissé, N., Coulibaly, K., Bourama Keita, M., Doumbia, K., & Amadou Keïta, M. (2023). Management of tympanic retraction pockets: case of Mali. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 9(5), 372–375.



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