A clinical study of the patients with elongated styloid process


  • Suhas Y. Choudhari Department of ENT, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka
  • Aravind B. Sangavi Department of ENT, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka




Throat pain, Cervicofacial, Styloid process, Towne view


Background: The elongation of styloid process is considered an anomaly which can cause throat pain and cervico-facial pain and trigger a series of symptoms such as dysphagia, odynophagia, facial pain, ear pain, headache, tinnitus and trismus. The present study was undertaken find out the length of styloid process in patients with throat pain.

Methods: A prospective study was conducted among 150 patients. A detailed ENT and general examination was done apart from palpation of the styloid along the posterior tonsillar pillar, a routine Hematological tests with estimation of serum calcium levels, and X-ray towne view was done.  

Results: The female to male ratio was found to be 1.6:1. Of the 150 cases 92 were middle aged females, the severity of symptoms were directly proportional to the length and the thickness of the styloid. The symptoms ranged from foreign body sensation in the throat to cervicofacial pain and otalgia. Serum Calcium levels were elevated in 60% of the cases.

Conclusions: Elongation of the styloid being multi-factorial in origin. A strong suspicion is required on the part of the surgeon to rule out this particular entity. A simple palpitation and an x- ray Towne view can establish the diagnosis of elongated styloid process.


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How to Cite

Choudhari, S. Y., & Sangavi, A. B. (2017). A clinical study of the patients with elongated styloid process. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 3(2), 400–403. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20171201



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