Sex differences according to ethnic presentation in carotid body tumors: a systematic literature review
Systematic review, Carotid body tumor, Carotid body paraganglioma, Head and neck paraganglioma, ParagangliomaAbstract
Compare through a systematic literature review, the sex distribution of patients with carotid body tumors in Mexico and Latin America with the rest of the world. The eligibility criteria included retrospective cohort studies of more than 15 patients with a diagnosis of carotid body tumor (regardless of Shamblin's classification or clinical manifestations), which also reported the number of women and men affected, as well as their mean age. We divided the countries where the studies were conducted into regions (Latin America, USA, and Europe/Asia). The sex ratio difference between regions was calculated using a chi-square test. A p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Thirty-eight studies met the eligibility criteria. Latin America had 1,345 cases, the United States had 808, and Europe/Asia had 672. Mexico had the most cases (1125), followed by the United States. The rest of the countries had less than 30 cases each. We found a statistically significant differences when we compared Latin American countries with the United States and Europe/ Asia (p<0.001). However, the most significant difference was observed when we compared Mexico with the United States, Europe/Asia, and other Latin American countries. When comparing other Latin American countries with Europe/Asia, we found a statistical difference (p=0.01); however, there was no statistical difference (p=0.05) when we compared other Latin American countries with the United States. Mexico has the highest number of reported cases of carotid body tumors in the world. Women account for 90% of cases.
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