Assessment of surgical outcomes of septorhinoplasty patients: a clinical study


  • Reshma P. Chavan Department of ENT, Dr. V.M.G.M.C, Solapur, Maharashtra, India
  • Shivraj M. Ingole Department of Radiology, G.G.M.C, and Sir J.J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Santosh N. Birajdar Department of ENT, Dr. V.M.G.M.C, Solapur, Maharashtra, India



ROE, Septorhinoplasty, Satisfaction


Background: Septorhinoplasty is commonly done procedure in ENT basic setup. It is done to relieve nasal obstruction and also to give better cosmetic appearance. There is dictum in nasal anatomy, 'as goes septum, goes nasal tip. It is clearly known that septum deviations change the cosmetic appearance of persons.  Present study had done to access pre and post-operative satisfaction of patients with use of rhinoplasty outcome questionnaire (ROE).

Methods: This is prospective study of 40 patients who have under gone septorhinoplasty procedure in medical college hospitals. Assessment done in regards to patients satisfaction before and after surgery. Rhinoplasty outcomes evaluation (ROE) questionnaire was applied to all the patients and evaluation of the satisfaction pre op and post operatively was assessed in the interview by third surgeon to avoid bias. The results were statistically analyzed.  

Results: In present study preoperative satisfaction level was below 50 in 92.5% patients. 87.5% postoperative patients had excellent and good results. Average preoperative satisfaction in  patients were 7.15 (29.8%) and average postoperative satisfaction in patients  were 16.83 (70%). Preoperative satisfaction in male patients was 7.73 (32.2%) and postoperative satisfaction in male patient was 18.23 (84.3%).  Preoperative satisfaction in female patients was 6.44 (26.8%) and  postoperative satisfaction in female patient was 15.11 (63%). In present study minimal preoperative satisfaction value was 5 (20.80%) and maximum postoperative satisfaction value was 22 (91.66%).

Conclusions: Patient satisfaction is aim of septorhinoplasty. Hence an attempt is made to assess and understand patient expectations to achieve realistic goals in septorhinoplasty.


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Author Biographies

Reshma P. Chavan, Department of ENT, Dr. V.M.G.M.C, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

Associate Professor,Department Of ENT,Dr.V.M.G.M.C,Solapur.(Maharashtra)

Shivraj M. Ingole, Department of Radiology, G.G.M.C, and Sir J.J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Associate Professor,Department Of Radiology,

GGMC and Sir J.J Group Of Hospitals,Mumbai

Santosh N. Birajdar, Department of ENT, Dr. V.M.G.M.C, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

Senior Resident,Department Of ENT,Dr.V.M.G.M.C,Solapur.(Maharashtra)


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How to Cite

Chavan, R. P., Ingole, S. M., & Birajdar, S. N. (2017). Assessment of surgical outcomes of septorhinoplasty patients: a clinical study. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 3(2), 268–272.



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