The role of magnesium supplement in laryngopharyngeal reflux disease
Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, Magnesium supplements, GERD, Reflux treatmentAbstract
Background: Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD) is one of the most prevalent upper gastrointestinal disorder encountered in clinical practice and its optimal treatment is not standardized. The role of magnesium in the human body functions is often underestimated. Since magnesium (Mg) plays a major role in the regulation of smooth muscle contractionby relaxing the pyloric sphincter and enhancing gastric emptying, thereby decreasing the pressure on the LES, it was hypothesized that adding magnesium supplements along with the regular treatment for LPRD, can improve LPRD symptoms. Magnesium has a neutralizing action on the gastric acid and therefore, it may be pertinent to achieve optimal Mg intakes in patients with LPRD.
Methods: This is a prospective study done over a period of 1 year conducted in a tertiary care hospital in central India in patients presenting with LPRD of the age group 18-65 years.
Results: The study patients were divided into two groups-one treated with esmoprazole 40 mg capsules and alginate syrup and the other with esmoprazole capsules, alginate syrup and magnesium glycinate (250 mg) supplement. Both the groups showed appreciable improvement in their mean reflux symptom index (RSI) and reflux finding score (RFS) at 1 month and 3 months follow-up. Females showed a higher preponderance than males in the disease, symptoms and the mean RSI and RFS score.
Conclusions: Addition of magnesium supplements along with the regular treatment for LPRD, can improve LPRD symptoms and should be considered in the treatment protocol of LPRD.
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