Oral cancer profile in a tertiary care center
Oral cancer, Risk factors, PreventionAbstract
Background: Head and neck cancers constitute around 5-50% of all cancers worldwide. Head and Neck Cancers constitute about 30% of all cancers that are found in India. It is the 8th most common cancer in the world. Oral cancer forms a major public health issue in India due to its rising incidence, especially in women and in younger age group. The purpose of our study was to evaluate, the epidemiologic profile of patients with oral cancer, its incidence according to age and sex, site distribution, risk factors involved and clinical stage at presentation.
Methods: It is a prospective study done from January 2014 to November 2014, in a total of 100 patients in age group 21 to 70 years, irrespective of gender, with a proven malignancy confined to the oral cavity. Patients were observed for the age and sex distribution, tumour staging, location and metastasis, commonly associated risk factor and most common site.
Results: Oral cavity cancers were more common in males, than females. It is most prevalent in age group of 51-60 years. Oral tongue is the most common site. Betel nut chewing is the most significant risk factor associated with oral cavity cancer.T1 and T2 is the most the most common primary T stage. Neck metastasis occurs most commonly at N2 stage. Most common neck node level involved is level 2.
Conclusions: Oral cancers presents at advanced stage and age. It has also been seen in younger generations, which is due to increasing use of tobacco, its related products and alcohol. We see patient’s reports at advanced age and stage, which is increasing the morbidity and mortality related to oral cancers. Hence, today there is great need to create awareness about oral cancers. Preventive strategies must be designed in order to lessen the burden of Oral cancers.
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