Latency and amplitude of P300 using speech and non-speech stimuli - a normative study


  • Bhimraj B. Ramteke Department of ENT, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
  • Sushil N. Meshram Department of ENT, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India



Auditory evoked response, Event-related potentials, P300, Latency, Amplitude


Background: The P300 was among the first auditory response in a collection of events related or endogenous evoked responses. The P300 is related to cognition and use of knowledge about the environment.

Methods: The subjects (n=60) selected with an equal distribution of genders. P300 evoked potentials elicited by non-speech and speech stimuli is recorded.  

Results: There is a significant difference in latency of P300 for speech verses non-speech stimuli as well as there is a significant difference in the latency of P300 among males and females for speech versus non speech stimuli. No significant difference in amplitude of P300 for speech versus non-speech stimuli and for right versus left ears.

Conclusions: P300 latency is influenced by stimulus used and gender variation. The present study showed that the non-speech stimuli had lower latencies compared with speech stimuli. For the P300 amplitude values, the difference between groups were not significant.

Author Biographies

Bhimraj B. Ramteke, Department of ENT, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

Audiologist, department of ENT

Sushil N. Meshram, Department of ENT, Tata Main Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India

Junior Resident, Department of ENT


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