COVID 19: concerns and preparedness among healthcare workers
Coronavirus, Concerns, PreparednessAbstract
Background: Coronavirus is emerging as a major threat to the global economy and psychology. The survey aims to know the concerns and preparedness of healthcare workers in the region of Punjab.
Methods: An online anonymous survey of 22 item questionnaire was conducted over 124 frontline medical professionals in the region. Linear snowball sampling was done.
Results: The major bulk of the study population were doctors and psychological unpreparedness and fear of increased exposure and contracting infection to the family came out to be the main concerns. While lack of enough skilled staff, essential protective equipment, and adequate support from authorities came out to be major loopholes in management strategies of the novel coronavirus.
Conclusions: The authorities should provide enough encouragement and assistance mentally as well as in the form of diagnostic, protective, and remedial pieces of equipment. On the other hand, the up-gradation of preparedness plans cannot be ignored either.
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