Antrochoanal polyp in a six year old child: a rare presentation
Antrochoanal polyp, Maxillary sinus, Sinus ostium, Sinonasal polyp, Non contrast computed tomography scanAbstract
Antrochoanal polyp is a benign solitary sinonasal polyp arising within the maxillary sinus and extending into nasopharynx via sinus ostium. It is reported commonly in young adults mainly in 3rd to 5th decades. Antrochoanal polyp accounts 4% to 6% of sinonasal polyps in general population and approximately 33% in paediatric population. Here we are reporting a case of antrochoanal polyp in just six year child because of its relative rarity. We report a case of six year old female patient who presented with left sided nasal obstruction for 3 months. It was associated with nasal discharge. Anterior rhinoscopy showed presence of a single polypoidal mass filling left nasal cavity, posterior extent of the mass could not be assessed clinically due to small age of the patient. Non-contrast computed tomography of nose and paranasal sinuses was done to see the exact extent of the mass. The mass was removed completely by endoscopic approach and histopathologically confirmed as antrochoanal polyp. Antrochoanal polyp should be kept in differential diagnosis when a patient comes with unilateral nasal obstruction and discharge. Though it is commonly seen in young adults, rarely, children younger than 10 years of age can be affected. Complete endoscopic excision is necessary to avoid recurrence.
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