Study of glottic lesions in patients undergoing microlaryngeal surgery
Fibreoptic laryngoscopy, Glottis, Hoarseness, Indirect laryngoscopy, Microlaryngeal surgery, Vocal disordersAbstract
Background: Vocal cords are the most common site of laryngeal pathologies. Hoarseness is the sentinel symptom for lesions affecting the glottis. The aim of this study was to categorize various types of lesions affecting the glottis in patients undergoing microlaryngeal surgery. Patients’ demographic profile, gender, occupational factors were studied. Clinical, microlaryngeal and histopathological correlation of the lesions was done.
Methods: 50 patients with glottic pathologies undergoing microlaryngeal surgery were included. Patients underwent detailed examination including indirect laryngoscopy, flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy, followed by microscopic laryngeal examination under general anaesthesia. The lesions were excised using standard microlaryngeal instruments and the specimens were subjected to histopathological examination. The data was analysed.
Results: There was male preponderance (male: female ratio of 1.27:1). Housewives formed the largest group (28%). Commonest pathologies were vocal nodules (34%), vocal polyps (22%) and carcinoma (22%). Microlaryngoscopy was found to be the best means of visualizing the lesions and reaching a clinical diagnosis. In 10 (20%) patients, the final histopathological diagnosis was different from clinical diagnosis.
Conclusions: In this study, vocal nodules were the commonest lesions to affect the glottis. Microlaryngoscopy proved to be the best method for examination. Also, there was discrepancy in the clinical and histopathological diagnosis in 20% cases.
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