Effect of radiofrequency vs other surgeries in the management of obstructive sleep apnoea
Radiofrequency thermal ablation, OSA, RFVTR, RAUPAbstract
Background: Snoring is an important social problem seen in both men and women. Snoring occurs as a result of soft tissue vibration caused by a partial upper airway collapse during sleep. The aim of the study was to analyse the morbidity and efficacy of radiofrequency thermal ablation of upper airway in patients suffering from OSA.
Methods: In the Department of ENT, Pondicherry, 40 patients between the age group of 20 to 60 years who were diagnosed to have OSA were operated according to the site of obstruction including RFVTR. Various parameters including ESS, partner scores, post-op pain, bleeding, pharyngeal dryness voice change were measured accordingly on the 1st day, 45th day, 90th day and 180th day postoperatively for the efficacy of treatment and also for assessing the morbidity of treatment provided.
Results: There is a statistically significant reduction in ESS scores and partner scores between pre-operative period and post operatively on the 45th day, 90th day and 180th day. Post-operative pain assessment also showed that patients who underwent RFVTR had lesser pain when compared to other surgeries like zetaplasty, LAUP, etc.
Conclusions: Radiofrequency surgery should be considered as the treatment of choice for mild OSA and hypopneic snorers. The important advantage of these procedures is technically simple and minimally invasive. RFTA of the soft palate leaves the mucosa intact contrary to LAUP, hence the pain comparably less. Relatively cost effective when compared to LASER and Coblator.
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