Study of hearing results of ossiculoplasty in patients with safe chronic suppurative otitis media
Ossiculoplasty, Air-bone gap, CSOM, Hearing lossAbstract
Background: Ossicular discontinuity can occur as a result of erosion by chronic otitis media or due to trauma. Reconstruction of the ossicular chain aims to surgically optimize the middle ear transformer mechanism. The goal of this study was to devise a protocol to manage the ossicular discontinuity, provide good hearing to the patients and to demonstrate that use of ossicle for ossicular reconstruction is a safe, physiological, practical, successful and cost effective method.
Methods: The present study is retrospective study of 50 patients who underwent ossiculoplasty in our institute over the period of 2 years. Most patients presented to us with a history of chronic intermittent ear discharge and decreased hearing. Detailed clinical examination included general examination and local examination of ear, nose and throat. Examination of ear included otoscopy, tuning fork tests, and examination under microscope.
Results: The average pre-operative air-bone gap in patients with ossicular disruption was 34.95 dB and after ossiculoplasty was 12.93 dB. The mean air-bone closure after surgery was 27.88 dB. In most cases the post-operative air bone closure was within the range of 20 dB. The hearing results in ossiculoplasty are dependent on various factors but middle ear status in one of the most important factor in deciding the final outcome.
Conclusions: The ossiculoplasty using autograft has stood the test of time and the results are superior to that of prosthesis. They have less rate of complications, are economic and easily available. The expertise to sculpt the ossicle can be easily developed with practice.
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