Wide bore needle aspiration for peritonsillar abscess


  • G. Gandhi Department of ENT, Sri Manakula Vinyagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry, India
  • K. Santhanakrishnan Department of ENT, Sri Manakula Vinyagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry, India
  • Poornima S. Bhat Department of ENT, Sri Manakula Vinyagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry, India




Peritonsillar abscess, Wide bore needle aspiration, Incision and drainage


Background: Peritonsillar abscess is the most common complication of acute tonsillitis.

Methods: A retrospective review was conducted to identify the cause, microbiology, management and outcomes of the peritonsillar abscess. Over a period of 4 years from September 2014 to September 2018, patients presenting with peritonsillar abscess to the Department of ENT, SMVMCH, Puducherry, who underwent wide bore needle aspiration at least once were included in this study. 45 patients were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess.  

Results: Among 45 patients, 18 were males and 27 were females. Two patients presented with bilateral peritonsillar abscess. 40 patients responded well with initial wide bore needle aspiration and IV antibiotics, with no postoperative complications. 5 patients needed incision and drainage under local anaesthesia.

Conclusions: Wide bore needle aspiration is easy and cheap, less invasive, effective method of management in emergency situations of peritonsillar abscess. Early wide bore needle aspiration and iv antibiotics will prevent complications and reduce the need for incision and drainage.



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How to Cite

Gandhi, G., Santhanakrishnan, K., & Bhat, P. S. (2019). Wide bore needle aspiration for peritonsillar abscess. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 5(2), 336–339. https://doi.org/10.18203/issn.2454-5929.ijohns20190490



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