Benign lesions of the sinonasal tract: clinical study
Polyp, Nasal mass, Neoplastic, SurgeryAbstract
Background: Benign nasal mass lesions may remain asymptomatic for a long time. Bothersome symptoms like nasal obstruction, bleeding from nose, headache prompts the patient to visit the hospital. Although these are not life threatening, but yet timely intervention not only relieves patient symptoms but also prevents its further progress which may necessitate a more extensive surgical approach. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of various benign nasal mass lesions presenting to the ENT outpatient department, by reviewing the histopathological report postoperatively.
Methods: It’s a retrospective study over a period of 4 years and 1 month (from November 2012 to November 2016). Both males and females in the age group 1 yr to 70 yrs, who underwent surgery for nasal mass and histopathologically proved as benign mass, were included in the study. Patient data was collected from medical record section, operation theatre surgical records and histopathology register from the department of pathology.
Results: Histopathology review of 146 cases was done. Majority of the patients (139/146) had non neoplastic lesions and only 7 patients had benign neoplastic lesion. Majority were males and in the age group of 20 to 60 yrs.
Conclusions: Though the majority of nasal mass lesions studied are benign non neoplastic, yet these cause bothersome symptoms to the patients thereby requiring surgical intervention.
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