Full mouth rehabilitation of Kennedy class 1 edentulous situation complicated with excessive deep bite: an interdisciplinary approach
Anterior mandibular segmental osteotomy, Class II deep-bite, Kennedy class 1 edentulism, Crown lengtheningAbstract
Oral rehabilitation of bilateral mandibular edentulous posterior segments becomes even more difficult if patient had severe deep bite in natural dentition. This case report demonstrates the intelligent way of managing severe deep-bite by adapting multi-disciplinary approach. Involved steps are: Mandibular subapical osteotomy of mandibular anterior segment to lower down the fragment; secondly, the maxillary anteriors were done with crown lengthening followed by decreased incisal display and thirdly by restoring vertical dimension of occlusion by replacement of missing posterior teeth. The addition of surgical intervention (anterior mandibular osteotomy) in the present case has found to be effective and quick adjunctive in achieving functional improvement in occlusion by reducing anterior teeth overlap (deep bite), by decreasing incisal guidance steepness and esthetic display of anterior teeth. Bilateral edentulous situation was managed by precision attachment retained cast partial denture. A satisfactory functional and esthetic result was obtained.
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